72 Articles Found
Lighting Up Right: Nailing the Essentials for a Safe Install

Appleton Grp LLC

Lighting Up Right: Nailing the Essentials for a Safe Install

Installing and maintaining lighting in commercial and industrial settings was my job for the better part of 36 years. While I worked solo for much of that time, I often worked with other team members. And sometimes, my “joy and delight” was following up on installations and repairs done by others.
Training Simulators – Their Scenarios May Be Virtual, But the Learning Is Real


Training Simulators – Their Scenarios May Be Virtual, But the Learning Is Real

There’s probably no substitute for on-the-job training, regardless of your profession. Spending time solving problems in real-world settings with regular feedback from more experienced supervisors and team members is one of the best ways to learn – and you’ll likely remember what you’ve learned this way longer.
Sparking New Life into Your Old Wiring: A Guide to Residential Rewiring

Southwire Company

Sparking New Life into Your Old Wiring: A Guide to Residential Rewiring

Discover the reasons, safety considerations, and benefits of rewiring your home. From planning and preparation to flawless execution, we'll walk you through the process, ensuring your home's electrical system is ready for the future.
ARISTA Advanced Lighting Control System
LED Lamp Efficiency Set to Grow With New Standards

Cree, Inc.

LED Lamp Efficiency Set to Grow With New Standards

The DOE has released new efficiency standards for LED lamps, set to take effect in 2028. The target efficacy will be 120 lm/W, up from the current 45 lm/W. Manufacturers are already halfway there and will likely use new technologies to meet the higher standards.
Cutting the Powerplant Cord, or At Least Loosening Its Grip

Littelfuse, Inc.

Cutting the Powerplant Cord, or At Least Loosening Its Grip

The decision to implement a photovoltaic system involves careful consideration of economic factors. While the initial costs can be substantial, solar power offers the potential for long-term savings, energy independence, and protection against rising electricity prices. This article explores the key financial aspects of going solar.
Increase Profit Margins Using Labor-saving Cable and Data Wiring

Molex Incorporated

Increase Profit Margins Using Labor-saving Cable and Data Wiring

Every electrical contractor I know is in the business to make a profit. One of the only ways to increase your profits over time is to take on more and larger electrical projects. The more work, the more money… most of the time.

But, taking on more projects usually means adding staff. Your crew needs to be bigger to handle the load.
72 Articles Found
Wireless Lighting Control for the Workplace
ARISTA Advanced Lighting Control System
New Electrical Estimating Podcast Reveals Practical Strategies for Channel Partners to Grow Market Share
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