
Simple installation video for Lutron’s Maestro fan control and LED dimmer. Designed specifically to dim LED bulbs. Also works with incandescent, and halogen bulbs.

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Introducing a Better Way to Do Tunable White Tape Light
Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.

Introducing a Better Way to Do Tunable White Tape Light

Meet Lumaris by Lutron. The first professional-grade, tunable white tape light and controller purposely designed to add seamless light performance to the RadioRA 3 and HomeWorks QSX systems.
Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets
Arlington Industries, Inc.

Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets

Get flush ceiling installations with our heavy duty, plated steel fan/fixture box. It has
an adjustable bracket that mounts securely between joists spaced 16" to 24" o.c. and a score lines on the bracket for ceilings up to 1-1/4" thick.
White Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Cable Connector
Arlington Industries, Inc.

White Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Cable Connector

Simply push the connector into the knockout, and you're done.

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Lumaris Tunable White Tape Light
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