54 Articles Found
Electrical Installation Efficiency Products That Safely Save Time

Hubbell Wiring Systems

Electrical Installation Efficiency Products That Safely Save Time

When I was doing electrical work in the processing plant, time was important. While I was the only one working on a project in many cases, often I worked side by side with contractors in other crafts.
Temporary Commercial Power Distribution

Voltec Power & Lighting

Temporary Commercial Power Distribution

When working as an electrician in a processing plant, I was often called in to work on renovations, new area construction, and emergency repair scenarios. Often there wasn’t permanent power available, so temporary power using extension cords was necessary to power up tools and equipment for the job.
Wax or Polymer – Understanding the Options with Cable Lubricants


Wax or Polymer – Understanding the Options with Cable Lubricants

Wire and cable pulling can be strenuous work, especially when distances stretch several floors or more. Lubricants are an important part of this process – they help reduce friction between cables and conduit, which, in turn, reduces the risk of damage, wear and tear on cable insulators.
Vive Lighting Controls
LEDs for Hazardous Locations and … Mesh Lighting Control

Appleton Grp LLC

LEDs for Hazardous Locations and … Mesh Lighting Control

Hazardous locations have stricter requirements for fixtures and luminaires than other industrial areas. Hazardous locations include those areas where flammable dusts, fumes, liquids and gases may be present, either in storage or during processing.
New Designs Powering Today’s Pool Market – But Electrical Safety Remains Top Concern


New Designs Powering Today’s Pool Market – But Electrical Safety Remains Top Concern

If you haven’t tried to block out the peak pandemic years of 2020 and 2021 from your mind, you might remember the ways the work- and learn-from-home trends helped drive home renovation projects during that period.
Help Customers Control Lighting with Motorized Shades and Blinds

Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.

Help Customers Control Lighting with Motorized Shades and Blinds

Next time you’re helping a customer design a new lighting layout (or upgrading an existing one) don’t forget the blinds.

That’s right. Window blinds.
54 Articles Found
News from Lutron: Updated Wallbox Catalog is Now Available
Temporary Light Strings and Area Lighting
IWL LED Series Luminaires
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