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Daniel Just Joined the Marines

Daniel Just Joined the Marines

Bill Floyd
My nephew just joined the Marines and sent me the Marine Humor below.

There was a brief meeting of several Generals and an Admiral. The Air Force General said, "I think I have finally found a way to show you true guts. Airman, come here!"

The airman trotted over and came to attention with a brisk, "Yes, sir?"

The Air force General said, "Airman, climb to the top of that flag pole".

"Yes, Sir." came the quick response and up the pole he went.

When the airman reached the top, the General told him to jump. The airman shouted, "Yes, Sir." and dropped to his death.

The General turned to his peers and said, "Now that is guts."

The Army General did the same and the Admiral did too, with the same results as the Air Force poor airman.

The Marine General told them they were all full of crap and called a Marine Private over. "Private, climb that flag pole!"

"Sir, yes, Sir!" was the quick response and up the pole he went. The Marine General than told him to jump. The Marine Private's response was, "Sir, no, Sir!". The General than turned to his peers and said, "Now that's guts."

While meant as a joke, there is a lot of relevancy to this story. There are so many followers in the world, that those who blaze their own trail truly stand out. In a world as mixed up and dangerous as ours can be, it takes a lot of guts, patriotism, and whatever to suck it up for the greater cause and enlist. We have been blessed throughout our history to have such people, those who have make the ultimate sacrifice to insure the freedoms we take for granted. We're proud of Daniel and equally proud of those many other young faces in uniform shuffling though airports on their way home or to their next duty station. We can't thank them enough.

I suggest that we all need to take regular inventory and make sure we are not just followers but on a path that's really taking us where we want to go. Only having "guts",  which often times is the road less traveled, can bring us the happiness and enrichment we seek. Following others to their destination brings us where THEY want to go. But unless you're convinced that you want to go there too, it can leave you feeling empty.

My nephew Daniel has wanted to be a Marine since he was young. The attempts to persuade him to do otherwise did not work. Now he's crawling in mud, constantly dog tired and being screamed at by drill sergeants all the time. Yet, he's never been happier. He's doing what he wants to do. And, we're the proud relatives who are back home encouraging and praying for him.

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