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ElectricSmarts Version 2.0

ElectricSmarts Version 2.0

Paul Werthman
I am very honored and humbled to be working as the new Director of Sales & Marketing for the ElectricSmarts Network. As I watch my dear friends Bill & Brenda Floyd begin enjoying their well-deserved golden years, I look back at the incredible fore-sight that Bill Floyd and Keith Peck had to envision the founding of ElectricSmarts.

Well ahead of its time, ElectricSmarts recognized the significant impact that digitalized marketing content would have upon the Electrical Industry. This included Banner Ads, Tower Ads, Newsletters, Videos and eCatalogs that were not static in nature, but rather embedded with links and interactive content.

Gazing into the “crystal ball”, ElectricSmarts identified opportunities to link channel partners (Manufacturers, Distributors and Contractors) to dramatically leverage incremental sales utilizing eCommerce capabilities and Software Estimating Packages. While current eCommerce “shopping carts” account for perhaps 2% - 5% of a Distributors’ total revenue, the Billions of Dollars in Contractor bidding activity generated by sophisticated Contractor Software Estimating Packages can represent 50% of a Distributors’ revenues.

Within the ElectricSmarts content management system, eMarketing activities can be tracked via “Key Performance Metric-Driven Dashboards”, allowing Manufacturers and Distributor’s to view their activities on a real-time basis. Looking even further ahead, continued eCommerce and eMarketing capabilities will allow us to close the loop and provide ROI analysis.

Bottom Line: ElectricSmarts represents a key link to the digitalization of the Electrical Industry. It’s not that it is going to happen in the future; the future is here and now. Please join us in embracing this very exciting opportunity to grow our Electrical Industry. As partners, we can grow together! Feel free to contact our Manager of Business Development, Howard Grobstein, at 860-266-7588 (O), 412-370-5438 (C),, or myself, Paul Werthman, Director of Sale & Marketing, 860-266-5359 (O), 603-716-0302 (C),
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