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At NAED, IDEA and ElectricSmarts Teach The Channel How to Compete with Amazon

At NAED, IDEA and ElectricSmarts Teach The Channel How to Compete with Amazon

Bill Floyd
Counting NAED's Adventure, the Eastern, and now Western Regional Meetings, partners ElectricSmarts and IDEA have conducted joint-seminars to teach its attendees that ecommerce is far more than offering products through a shopping cart. In fact, ESmarts' President Keith Peck explained, "If your total e-strategy is to place your shopping cart up against Amazon's, they'll probably win every time".

Paul Molitor, President of IDEA, talked about the importance of creating good, complete, and consistent data as a first step. But then he went on to talk about the significance of partnering with a company like ElectricSmarts who can deliver it through the channel. Molitor referenced the deep connections that ESmarts has established with Contractors.

Many of the Manufacturers and Distributors who attended admitted to having little or no knowledge of Estimating Software Systems or how their databases are populated with products. That was the gist of Peck's lesson. "If you get your products into the bid, you indeed take a major step toward being included in the buy as well." he said.

If you have yet to see this presentation, the next one will be at the NAED South Central in Las Vegas. Or, if you have questions Mr. Peck is available at 860-633-6035 x208 or
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