Newsletter Article

Witch’s Werewolf

A witch’s werewolf has a problem so she takes him to the vet’s. The vet looks at the werewolf and says that he’ll have to take him to the examining room. In the examining room, he takes a black cat out of a cage and lets the black cat walk all over the werewolf, but the werewolf doesn’t do anything.
The doctor say “Your werewolf is dead.”

The witch goes out to the receptionist and asks for her bill.

“That’ll be $666” says the receptionist.

“What! $666? How’s that possible?”

“It’s $66 for the consultation, and $600 for the cat scan.”

Halloween Superstition

John decided to play a trick on his superstitious friend Henry. 

Now Henry liked a drink at the local pub every Friday night.

One dark night Henry set off for home, meanwhile John hid in the churchyard. The scene was set. 

Henry staggered on home, as he passed the churchyard he said out loud, “Where am I.“

John, from behind a grave, replied in a sepulchral voice: “Ammmongst the living.“

“Then where are you then?“ asked Henry. “Ammmmongst the deeaddd“ wailed John. 

Henry sobered up and ran home faster than he had ever run before.

Pumpkin Deterrent

Mrs Jones was proud of her pumpkin patch, so she was real disappointed when some of the the local kids were taking them to make Jack-o-Lanterns.

One evening while Mrs Jones was soaking in the bath, the answer to the pumpkin thefts came to her.  After supper she went out and put up a sign: “Beware, one of these pumpkins is coated with a special colourless rat poison!“

A day or two later when Mrs Jones checked out her pumpkin patch she was pleased to see that no more had been stolen.  Then she saw a second sign next to hers which said: “NOW THERE ARE TWO!!“


"Did you look at the pumpkin farm I sent you?" and other threats I say to my husband.

What kind of alley does a ghost prefer to haunt?
A dead end.

Why wasn't the vampire working?
He was on his coffin break.

What's a ghosts favourite ride at the carnival?
The roller ghoster

What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost?
Fasten your sheet belt.

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