
LED's new Troffer Transformer has the ability to be installed as a retrofit kit or as a new fixture. Choose between volumetric or flat panel design.

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Save Electricity & Protect Our Natural Resources with Intermatic
Intermatic, Inc.

Save Electricity & Protect Our Natural Resources with Intermatic

Lighting accounts for roughly 15% of all residential electrical bills, making it practical and cost-effective to seek out opportunities to reduce energy waste. Installing lighting controls in key areas around your home or office and updating light bulbs to LED can have an immediate positive impact on your monthly budget.
Prevention through Design with Special-Purpose GFCIs
Littelfuse, Inc.

Prevention through Design with Special-Purpose GFCIs

With power comes great responsibility. Hundreds of workers are killed yearly from electrical shock, and tens of thousands of electrical shock incidents over the past several years resulted in injuries requiring time away from work. Find out how GFCIs, including commercial GFCIs and specialized ones with higher trip levels, effectively prevent such incidents. More Info
Prevent Electrical Shock In Commercial and Industrial Applications
Littelfuse, Inc.

Prevent Electrical Shock In Commercial and Industrial Applications

Shock Block stops the problem before it happens by interrupting circuit faults before shock occurs instead of simply mitigating electrical shock.

Shock Block is the most comprehensive UL 943C listed GFCI on the market. Other workaround product combinations are inadequate when it comes to meeting code requirements or, more importantly, protecting human life.
Lumaris Tunable White Tape Light
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