Newsletter Article
Putting People First In '15

Putting People First In '15

Bill Floyd
How often do we hear folks who've been around for a while comment on the world has become an edgier place. People don't seem to treat each other as nicely as they used to? Everything is bottom line. While there is truth in that opinion, there are obviously still lots of people we come into contact every day who extend themselves and do great things. But our 24/7, get-the-story (right or wrong) media too often uses its prism to focus on the worst among us. Does that skew reality? I think yes, but it also flavors it and nudges us all in less than positive directions.

At the risk of sounding like an old fuddy-duddy when I started in the electrical industry the relationships tended to be more personal. We knew our customers, vendors, and even competitors as people. We often knew their families and understood their aches and pains. As folksy as this may sound, knowing them as people went a long way when they moved into their customer or supplier role. Today everything moves at breakneck speed. Everybody has become figuratively digitized - what do they spend, what do they cost us to service them, how profitable are they and on and on. While these metrics are important, during this holiday season I'd urge you to give some attention to the human side of your customers and other people with whom you do business. I once heard a speaker say, "The more high tech we become, the more high touch we need to be." and he was right. Ironic, you're reading this from a technology company like ours, isn't it? But each of us want to be seen as people first and customers second. That will never change.

I wish you and all our readers the best of whichever holiday you celebrate, and ask that in 2015 and always you help sand the edges off today's world and always make acknowledging your contacts as people first a very high priority.

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