Newsletter Article
Run a Marathon?!

Run a Marathon?!

Paul Werthman
It’s November and it’s Thanksgiving time again. We become introspective and give thanks for all we are grateful for: family, friends, loved ones, health, careers, and life. While we are enjoying the estimated 46 million Turkey’s that are served during Thanksgiving, the Butterball Turkey Talk Line “Cooking Crisis Management Team” answers nearly 100,000 calls!

Speaking of calls, apparently the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest day for plumbers, according to Roto-Rooter. Meal prep and cleanup can clog drains and garbage disposals, and guests requiring “additional clothes washing, showers, and toilet flushes put a strain on household plumbing,” And I thought Electrical Tech Service lines were busy!

Interestingly enough, domesticated turkeys cannot fly. However, I know that wild turkeys can fly as my dog Harley chased one in our yard and it flew up into a tree, where it sat on a branch and trolled our poor dog. And my favorite Thanksgiving fact, a 150-pound person would have to run an average of 29 miles to burn off the approximate 2,800 calories from the Thanksgiving meal. So, basically, you have to run a marathon. Great news!

My suggestion: Enjoy your family and Thanksgiving meal and have a wonderful holiday. When you get back to the office give me a call and I’ll walk you through how easy it is to implement an eMarketing Program with ElectricSmarts. We’ll do the heavy-lifting and you’ll enjoy the rewards! I guarantee you that you’ll learn something new that you are not currently aware of. Call Paul Werthman, Director Sales & Marketing at 860-266-5359,
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