Newsletter Article
How To Find Products Without Breaking a Sweat

How To Find Products Without Breaking a Sweat

Bill Floyd
Click here to view expanded search capabilities video.

Boy have things changed since I started in the Electrical business. It wasn't very easy to find products, spec sheets, and other relevant information. And, when you opened up an industry catalog you were going on faith that it was up-to-date, and that the new pages had been  added to the "binder" in a timely manner. Fast forward to today.

Play this video to see how easy we've made it to find products with a couple of key strokes. ElectricSmarts works in partnership with IDEA (IDW) to make this possible. As manufacturers add (and subtract) products to the IDW database it is instantly updated. ElectricSmarts takes it from there and makes this information easy to find by providing the back end infrastructure and a simplified interface. This means that the industry has a common search mechanism and that individual distributors and reps don't have to be technologists or pay expensive consultants to import raw data and make it useable. Esmarts does it for them. So whether a company is big or small, the information they need to spec and sell products is at their fingertips via the ES Network.

This search capability is now available as part of the Filterable Content Packages we offer Distributors and Mfg. Reps. Check out this video. Then visit one of our distributor partners and try it out. If you don't think this is a far better way of doing things, I have an old beat up binder that I use as a step stool to get cookies from the top shelf I can send you :-)

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