Newsletter Article
What a Year!

What a Year!

Bill Floyd
Is it fair to say this is one of the craziest years we can remember? Whether you liked the results or not you must admit the Presidential election was a shocker. And, raise your hand if you were the one who predicted that the stock market would be approaching 20,000 at the end of '16.

Mixed in with all those who now look forward to optimistic times however are those having a hard time accepting the changes we're going through. As a nation we unfortunately continue to remain divided.

So Santa, here's my Christmas wish. I'm not going to ask for world peace like Miss America always does. I don't know if that will ever happen. Instead I'm going to ask that we cease to be so "dug in" to our positions and beliefs that we refuse to listen to folks that we like and respect in every way except for their politics. How can they be so smart in every way and still have beliefs that don't align with yours? Answer: They can't. If they are smart, they are smart period. They just see things through a different prism. Respect that. Learn from that. I want Santa to help us open our minds and once again learn to talk to each other.

Once upon a time we disagreed but listened and respected each other's point of view.  We never stopped talking but listening was put on the back burner. Going forward it's time to rekindle that past skill and start to come together as a nation. Not doing so will leave us all with big lumps of coal in our stockings for many years to come.

Whatever holiday you celebrate I wish you a joyous season and a prosperous 2017. And if you wish to respond to this article please do so. I'm LISTENING.

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