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Why do people pay to go up tall buildings, then put money in telescopes to see what's on the ground?

Why do people pay to go up tall buildings, then put money in telescopes to see what's on the ground?

Bill Floyd
I borrowed this title from the humor section of one of our newsletters because it is so appropriate. Did you ever notice how many of us work harder and harder every year to climb the ladder? But the act of getting on that escalator often takes us farther and farther from every day reality. You see once you get to, or near, the Ivory Tower, the crowd with whom you interact gets smaller. You've moved farther and farther away from where most everyday people live. Some call it reality.  But the folks on the ground are the ones who use your products to earn a living or to create satisfying lives for themselves and their families. So remember when you rise - to see them may indeed require that telescope. Their satisfaction with your offering is the very foundation for your company's existence.

Know too that your brand's identity is what your customers think you are, not necessarly what you tell them. Successful businesses have employed all sorts of tactics such as the "undercover boss" spending time with employees on the front lines to get a first hand impression of what customers think. Another used secret shoppers to gage an impartial view of how their walk-in customers are treated.

Yup it's great to climb to the top but once you get there don't forget the ladder goes both ways.  You may shoot for the stars and achieve your dreams but do remember to pack your telescope and humility. And, never forget your customers. They are the one's who got you there.

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