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72,000,000 Million Content Views On ElectricSmarts in '14. Astonished Yet?

72,000,000 Million Content Views On ElectricSmarts in '14. Astonished Yet?

We're always asked by our amazed partners! Why is it that ElectricSmarts ALWAYS GROWS their reach?
Here's the short answer and why we always say it takes a Team; it takes a Network:
Every time we add a New Distributor, Rep Agency, or any other industry entity, we expand our audience because the content we provide is now available to THEIR audience. Our model is akin to a Television Network. Each time a new affiliate comes aboard their audience is added to the viewer pool and it exponentially increases. That's why our numbers are so incredibly large. We are not a single website, we are a collective of Wholesaler, Rep, and other relevant industry websites who target users, sellers, buyers and specifiers, etc.
For example, last year with their help we grew our reach in IMARK from about 100 to almost 200 of their members. While there may be some crossover, all have their own unique customer base and their own strong relationships. Distributors gain great content and from thousands to millions of new customer views. And with increased affiliations, our audience and reach automatically grows and gives the wholesaler's suppliers exposure that otherwise would be unachievable.

Strategy grows our reach, and our reach is your reach.
Again more examples:
  • When a partner deploys our Mobile App to their customers it also expands our reach.
  • When we continue to add more Distributor Mobile Apps to offer their customers, it grows our reach.
  • When a new Distributor employs eNewsletter Builder and pushes content to their email prospects we grow our reach.
  • As more Estimating Software Programs integrate with ElectricSmarts in '15 and consume our (your) content within that environment it grows our reach.
You can see every relationship and innovative new strategy expands the Network's viewers. That's why we had 72 Million Content Views on the Network last year. Nobody else does those kind of numbers, but nobody else has the kind of partnership model that we do.
For both Distributors and Manufacturers relying only on your own ability to attract viewers to your website leaves an awful lot of industry eyeballs on the table. Make sense?

Contact us. We'll tell you more.

Above Turtle and Hughes Accepts their Distributor "Quarter Million View Club" award at NAED Western Conference.

Photo courtesy of 
Appleton LED Luminaire for Oil Refineries, Chemical Processing and Other Hazardous Industrial Locations
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