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Results for "parking lot lighting"

Product Data

StrtLgt Y-TypMchBrkwy DsC1ct Kts Fusd
Part#: 67066
StrtLgt Y-TypMchBrkwy DsC1ct Kts Fusd
StrtLgt In-LnMchBrkwy DsC1ct Kts Fusd
Part#: 67064
StrtLgt In-LnMchBrkwy DsC1ct Kts Fusd
StrtLgt Y-TypMchBrkwy DsC1ct Kts Nn-Fusd
Part#: 67067
StrtLgt Y-TypMchBrkwy DsC1ct Kts Nn-Fusd
Smart eCat Product Catalogs
Total of 5 product(s) from 1 Manufacturers. Click the Smart eCat icon to view all products and access Spec Sheets and other product information.
Voltec Power & Lighting


EPCO LED Parking Garage Luminaire

EPCO LED Parking Garage Luminaire

EPCOs vapor-tight LED luminaires provide energy efficiency and significant energy savings that translates into optimized light output suitable for outdoor and “wet” location environments.

Our LED luminaires include two illumination products: A 4-foot DLC Certified Parking Garage Luminaire ready for immediate installation and a 4-foot Parking Garage Retrofit Luminaire to upgrade from conventional T8 fluorescent lamps.
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5401 Smetana Drive
Minnetonka, MN 55343
(800) 336-1976

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T-BOX™Commercial Power Distribution Center
Antimicrobial LNMP Flexible Electrical Nonmetallic Conduit
EPCO's High Lumen (20,000) Output LED Cordlights Brighten Every Corner
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