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Prevention through Design with Special-Purpose GFCIs
Littelfuse, Inc.

Prevention through Design with Special-Purpose GFCIs

With power comes great responsibility. Hundreds of workers are killed yearly from electrical shock, and tens of thousands of electrical shock incidents over the past several years resulted in injuries requiring time away from work. Find out how GFCIs, including commercial GFCIs and specialized ones with higher trip levels, effectively prevent such incidents. More Info
White Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Cable Connector
Arlington Industries, Inc.

White Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Cable Connector

Simply push the connector into the knockout, and you're done.

 Listed for single or multiple cables, Arlington’s White Button™ NM94X connector offers smooth, easy cable insertion of one or two cables into a single opening from the INSIDE or OUTSIDE of the box.
GFCIs for Commercial Kitchens
Littelfuse, Inc.

GFCIs for Commercial Kitchens

Learn how to provide personnel protection and safety in your commercial kitchen with the SB5000 Shock Block® that meets the NEC GFCI requirements and offers ground-fault protection for three-phase loads for all plug-in equipment 100 amperes and below.
Littelfuse High-Speed Fuses
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