Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.
Lutron Launches Vive Vue, IoT-enabled Management Software

Lutron Launches Vive Vue, IoT-enabled Management Software

Built with the simple, scalable, wireless building blocks of the Vive Wireless system, Vive Vue software now delivers the advanced intelligence necessary for today’s smart buildings and the IoT. This software provides the ability to tie multiple Vive hubs together in one software interface. A smart building is now easier than ever to achieve.

“With our Vive Wireless system, you can now start with a single room, build out one area at a time, and add the building intelligence when you need it,” said Matt Ochs, Product Management Director – Commercial Systems. “This simplicity and scalability allows more commercial buildings to realize smart-building benefits, whether the project is new construction or retrofit.”

Learn more about Vive Vue
Contact your local Lutron representative or salesperson to schedule a demonstration.

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Vive Overview and System Benefits
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