
Vive Vue software allows you to control and configure the lights and monitor, analyze, and report on the activity and performance of the lighting system in a building from any smart device. It provides intuitive graphical reporting on energy usage, lighting status, space utilization and occupancy patterns.

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Rocket Rack Load Ratings
Robroy Industries

Rocket Rack Load Ratings

The pre-engineered, factory-fabricated Rocket Rack system is designed to exceed the most demanding applications and load requirements. Even better, professional engineered published load ratings are available for tented and standard rack types by part number. Find out the specifics by viewing this informational video!
Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets
Arlington Industries, Inc.

Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets

Get flush ceiling installations with our heavy duty, plated steel fan/fixture box. It has
an adjustable bracket that mounts securely between joists spaced 16" to 24" o.c. and a score lines on the bracket for ceilings up to 1-1/4" thick.
White Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Cable Connector
Arlington Industries, Inc.

White Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Cable Connector

Simply push the connector into the knockout, and you're done.

 Listed for single or multiple cables, Arlington’s White Button™ NM94X connector offers smooth, easy cable insertion of one or two cables into a single opening from the INSIDE or OUTSIDE of the box.
Antimicrobial LNMP Flexible Electrical Nonmetallic Conduit
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