31 Articles Found
Lighting the Way to Better Health Outcomes

Cree, Inc.

Lighting the Way to Better Health Outcomes

Keeping hospital balance sheets profitable is a challenging proposition for healthcare organizations. That’s certainly one reason why so many have undertaken lighting upgrades over the last decade to move to more efficient LED lamps and fixtures.
Today’s Sensors Bring New Savings to Light

Acuity Brands Lighting

Today’s Sensors Bring New Savings to Light

Occupancy sensors are quickly becoming a regulatory requirement in many commercial spaces, thanks to evolving energy codes seeking to wring out kilowatt-hours of energy savings anywhere it’s possible.
Humans Love Lumens. But Plants? Something Else.

TCP Lighting

Humans Love Lumens. But Plants? Something Else.

It took a while, but people finally understand that watts don’t measure visible light output.

Lumens do.

Watts has to do with energy consumption, not light output. Getting some folks to understand that was a tough nut to crack, and I’m guessing some still don’t have a handle on it.
Vive Lighting Controls
LED Lighting and Controls: A Rhapsody in Bluetooth

RAB Lighting

LED Lighting and Controls: A Rhapsody in Bluetooth

A decade ago, LED lighting was still fighting for acceptance among designers, contractors and consumers. Early product generations suffered from quality control problems, flickering and light that was too far into the blue end of the visual spectrum.
Solar Power Lighting: A Bright Opportunity for Installers and Electricians

Light Efficient Design

Solar Power Lighting: A Bright Opportunity for Installers and Electricians

There it is again! That cat’s chasing rabbits in my garden again tonight. I knew something was tearing things up in there at night, so I installed a set of solar powered floods on the top of the gate.
Protective Coatings Bring Multiple Benefits to LEDs

Shat-R-Shield, Inc.

Protective Coatings Bring Multiple Benefits to LEDs

Tube lamps have been a go-to for decades and, while the latest LED fixtures often incorporate integrated lighting elements – in other words, no separate lamps – millions of troffer fixtures initially designed for fluorescent technology are still in service around the globe.
31 Articles Found
Make code-compliant installations simple with Vive Wireless lighting solutions
Wireless Lighting Control for the Workplace
Transform Outdoor Spaces with Revolutionary Colorscaping System Launched by WAC
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