
Simple installation video for Caséta by Lutron Smart Fan Speed Control and instructions to pair with a Fan Pico remote. Say goodbye to pull chains and hello to smart fan speed control from the wall, app, remote, or with a voice assistant.

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EPCO TIGRESS Prefab Temp Light Assembly: Side-by-Side Comparison

TIGRESS Prefab Highlights:
-Wired in 1/3 of the time it takes to wire competitor's temp light
-Cut light down from the job site, re-wire, and re-use at your next project
-Lightweight! TIGRESS Prefab weighs 3.6 lbs.
The Outdoor Smart Plug from Caséta by Lutron
Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.

The Outdoor Smart Plug from Caséta by Lutron

Experience holiday magic with the Caséta outdoor smart plug this season! Effortlessly add holiday lights, lighted decorations, and inflatables to your customers’ systems. Homeowners can control on/off from the comfort of their home with a Pico smart remote, the Lutron app, or set them on a scene or schedule.
PIXELS Collection by WAC Lighting
WAC Lighting Co.

PIXELS Collection by WAC Lighting

Are you looking to add drama to your space? Discover the endless possibilities of elevating your lighting projects by utilizing our PIXELS Collection, scalable and modifiable LED sheets.

PIXEL'S paper-thin, modular LED sheets bring light to any surface.
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