Press Release
ElectricSmarts Network Manufacturer-Partner Videos and e-Learning -- Now Available On IPods

ElectricSmarts Network Manufacturer-Partner Videos and e-Learning -- Now Available On IPods

IndustrySmarts, Inc

The ElectricSmarts Network announces their Network Manufacturer-Partner Videos and selective eLearning are now available on iPods. This means that anybody visiting ElectricSmarts or any of their distributor partners can click the orange iPod button and have ITunes instantly open up and download as Video Podcasts the latest Manufacturer Product Video Demos, Topical Brain Bank™ Web TV Interviews, Trade Show Presentations and more.

Bill Floyd from ElectricSmarts says,” There are millions of iPods being used today. ElectricSmarts has adapted this technology to, for the first time, make relevant rich media in industry truly portable.” As an option manufacturers can also choose to have ElectricSmarts create a version of their eLearning that will play on the iPod. Again, Floyd says,”A Video iPod is about the size of a deck of cards. This breakthrough puts compelling and visual need-to-know information right in the salesman or customer’s shirt pocket. He can then watch / listen to it in his car or truck, review the content prior to a presentation, use it as a stand- alone or plug it into a laptop or projector to engage prospects in the field.”

Distributors who work with The ElectricSmarts Network can invite their customers and sales people to come to their webpage and simply click to subscribe to these downloads. There is no cost to either the distributor to be a Network Partner, or to a customer to access the information. Floyd concludes, “In today’s electronic world one’s marketing plan must be multi-dimensional. ElectricSmarts is the leader in helping manufacturers and distributors use technology to create and distribute compelling information and training to their sales people and customers in the field.”

Distributors and Manufacturers can plug-in to The ElectricSmarts Network by calling 800-300-3111

About The ElectricSmarts Network

The ElectricSmarts Network provides electrical industry Search and On-demand Web-TV content to over sixty distributor partners through their syndication program. Syndication partners can filter content to align with their supplier line cards. The E-Smarts Network aggregates, produces and instantly disseminates manufacturer’s rich-media product marketing, eLearning and training content across all their distributor-partner websites in one step.
Content includes Web-TV programming, Video Demos, New Product News, E-Learning, Press Releases and more.
ElectricSmarts also offers distributors a branded Google-like, Thru-Channel Tool Bar for their customer’s web browser. The Toolbar displays the distributor’s logo with a search capability and links into the distributor’s branded content package. The Toolbar comes pre-populated with many valuable links but is fully customizable and can include links to contests, loyalty programs and more.

Finally, NetPricer allows distributors to instantly and economically furnish estimate pricing directly to their selected contractor customer’s software through NP’s web hub. This expedites and tracks the bid process and reduces man-hours on both ends.

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