
Appleton explosionproof Code●Master LED factory sealed luminaires are designed for use in hazardous locations as well as areas exposed to corrosive atmospheres, moisture or cold ambient temperatures. They are easy to install into retrofit applications as they utilize the same mounting hoods as our Code●Master HID and Code●Master incandescent luminaries.

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EPCO TIGRESS Prefab Temp Light Assembly: Side-by-Side Comparison

EPCO TIGRESS Prefab Temp Light Assembly: Side-by-Side Comparison

TIGRESS Prefab Highlights:
-Wired in 1/3 of the time it takes to wire competitor's temp light
-Cut light down from the job site, re-wire, and re-use at your next project
-Lightweight! TIGRESS Prefab weighs 3.6 lbs.
Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets
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Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets

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White Button™ Non-Metallic Push-In Cable Connector
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