415D Wire Wheel®

$195 + S&H-


Wire Wheel ® Hand Caddy 

2 in a package for $170 + S&H

 620s Wire Wheel ®

$195 + S&H.


We have the best wire dispensing solutions for AC, MC, NM cable and single conductor wire in the Industry

Most of us have learned that the lowest price is not always the best value. Our wire dispensing solutions are a little more expensive up front, but are designed to produce labor savings for the life of the product. And, thanks to the quality construction, that should be a long time. 


What our customers are saying about our wire dispensing solutions?

They will tell you the Wire Wheel® is an absolute game changer.  

See what our clients have to say....

You can be confident that our product works - we guarantee it.

February 21, 2020

Just came in the mail today and putting it to work immediately.  I’ve tried a few things over the years with little success other than rolling out the wire as needed.  I have high hopes for this bad boy.  I deliberately tried making the wire pull as difficult as I could and it was like I wasn’t pulling anything at all.

February 21, 2020

Just came in the mail today and putting it to work immediately.  I’ve tried a few things over the years with little success other than rolling out the wire as needed.  I have high hopes for this bad boy.  I deliberately tried making the wire pull as difficult as I could and it was like I wasn’t pulling anything at all.

February 21, 2020

The wire wheel is the bomb… I LOVE THIS THING.  I’ll take it over a helper… if you do not have one get one you will not be disappointed.

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