
Vive Vue software allows you to control and configure the lights and monitor, analyze, and report on the activity and performance of the lighting system in a building from any smart device. It provides intuitive graphical reporting on energy usage, lighting status, space utilization and occupancy patterns.

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Lutron Maestro In-Wall Sensors
Lutron Electronics Co., Inc.

Lutron Maestro In-Wall Sensors

Lutron has in-wall sensors that can control all lighting and fan loads. Unlike other manufacturers, Lutron sensors use Cross Correlation Technology (XCT) to also detect fine motion, such as typing at a desk or reading a book – ensuring lights won’t turn off inadvertently when you’re still in the room.
Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets
Arlington Industries, Inc.

Steel Fan/Fixture Box with Fully Adjustable Brackets

Get flush ceiling installations with our heavy duty, plated steel fan/fixture box. It has
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Electri Flex's Liquatite Conduit is Made in USA
Electri-Flex Co.

Electri Flex's Liquatite Conduit is Made in USA

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Antimicrobial LNMP Flexible Electrical Nonmetallic Conduit
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